Welcome to GWLAKE.COM

This is the official site of G.W. Lake, science fiction author.

The Phoenix Project: The Revival of Adam Zweimann - Paperback and eBook available now!


Who is Adam Zweimann?


The Phoenix Project: The Revival of Adam Zweimann now available here at gwlake.com
The Phoenix Project: The Revival of Adam Zweimann eBook AVAILABLE NOW at Amazon.com

CLICK HERE for Amazon

Audio Book
Working on getting Mr. Lake into the Studio to record the Audio Book. More info to come.
Graphic Novel
Graphic Novel is planned. More info to come.

Gregg-SideBarAbout the Author: 

My introduction to science fiction was when I first read Robert Heinlein’s "Have Spacesuit Will Travel" as a 9 year old fourth grader. I unabashedly identified with Heinlein’s adolescent hero who saved the earth from annihilation. From Asimov through Ursula Le Guin to H. G. Wells and Phillip Wylie, I have  been hooked on the genre ever since. My intent as a writer is to use compelling, plot driven stories to make science and technology exciting and accessible to a mainstream audience, to interpret and extrapolate current trends in science into a plausible near future that will stimulate readers to imagine a tomorrow of unlimited possibilities. ~ G. W. Lake